AuDHD hangout ig

Yall can vent or talk about audhd experiences here :)))
Dni: Autism speaks supporters, Neurotypicals who spread misinfo/unwilling to learn, calamity shippers, under 12, basic dni

18 Me gusta

What is audhd?

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Autism and adhd

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Literally me :heart_eyes_cat:
amyways yesterday i had a meltdown and was shitty to everyone I know, my English just like. stopped working altogether which was embarrassing.

9 Me gusta

ADHD with a touch of the 'tism

3 Me gusta

Ah thank you

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Thank you :sweat_smile:

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i hate when that happens, one time i had a mental breakdown because i couldnt open a glue bottle

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bruh that happens to me sometimes and I hate that :frowning:

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I broke down because my mom ouldnt let me eat a pepper :(
i also droppe my taco on the ground yesterday which set me off

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i hate it when my breakdowns just instead of becoming breakdowns become arguments (odd)

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yea lol. did u ever get a diagnosis? im still waiting to get a tism diagnosis

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yes, I’m clinically diagnosed
I feel like self diagnosis is okay as long as ur not like "Hi!11!! IM BILLY AND IM AUTISTIC!!! :smile_cat: "
And as long as you research it enough
Self diagnosis lead to me getting a real one :+1:

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i still dont have a tism diagnosis but the reason i didnt get any suspicion i was autism when i was little was because i was hyper and didnt really go non-verbal. we also thought my sensory problems was because of misophonia but nooo
i also have ODD which i pointed out before, they thought ODD was just my adhd

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It’s always a big red flag when people introduce themselves with their disorders unless its like “I’m autistic, pls use tone tagz with me.”
its not quirky or cute to have a disorder
I only tell my friends or vent spaces about me

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You need to spin the same amount of times in each directions or you flip the freakity flip out

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adhd is all fun and games until you cant do homework bc of executive dysfunction and tism is all fun and games until you misread/miss social cues
odd is all fun and games until you cant get along with your family

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tone tags :heart_eyes:

1 me gusta

KIND OF- I have this thing where i can only wear a certain shirt on fridays/thursdays