"Bad gesture filter"

12 Me gusta

xd my when i gave a picture to a friend XD

3 Me gusta


1 me gusta

Twitter should do that for curse words and rude emojis instead of charging $8 for verification. That just lead to Super Mario telling me to go f*** myself.

2 Me gusta

We have to stop Elon musk

3 Me gusta


Wait a minute. Did you just put four characters without any filler?

1 me gusta

Alador knows Eda too well :joy:

1 me gusta

Yes they did


xddd, eda yes it would xd

1 me gusta

canon, i was eda’s arm xd
but srs, this easily could be canon

Since when did Alador get a haircut? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

“That’s awfully nice of you”
Got me wheezing :skull:

its a trick do this
<> :arrow_left: but put random letters in it but dont put ur actual message there