Day 3 of turning kikimora into kikidora

requested by @marcynoceda09 and @Kracter-paz

6 Me gusta

i love her new design damn

3 Me gusta

2 Me gusta

change her eyes for catra’s eyes xd

3 Me gusta


2 Me gusta

Can you give her the “handsome squidward” head
(I forgot the name, but I search pic for it)


4 Me gusta


Done with all requests so far :]

Give her some cocaine bear fanart

1 me gusta

ok I’ll try

Wait I can’t bc my parents are gonna see the pic :\

Aww it’s ok don’t worry! It was a silly suggestion anyways lol

1 me gusta

It was a good suggestion but too much risk :l

1 me gusta

Erase her normal ears

2 Me gusta

I already erased one when I made the handsome Squidward head lol
But I can erase the other

1 me gusta


1 me gusta

this was a lot easier than removing Lilith’s ears lol

1 me gusta