Favorite Charater in TOH?

AYYYY What’s you guys favorite charater in TOH?

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Por favor, lo adoro a ese traumado xd

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probably hunter :3
Screenshot 2022-11-12 5.18.17 PM

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tie between Eda and Raine- aka best character Raeda :>

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The trio of comedy AKA

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Hunter ofc >:D

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Hunter y Amity son mis favoritos

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hunter, the collector and Vee <3

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my favorite character is probably flapjack

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im agree lama
flapjack the best

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Obviously my favorite is Lilith/j Its Hunter if it wasn’t obvious enough

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Hunter, Willow and Raine😺

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Eda Clawthorne, but also Raine. I was really excited to see a character with my name

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Raine I mean, that’s been my name for years, but my parents still use my dead name

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Luz, because I feel I relate to her so much :face_with_hand_over_mouth::heartpulse:

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Hunter, definitely and also Hooty. <3

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Luz :heart_eyes_cat: :heart_eyes_cat: :heart_eyes_cat: and Willow :cherry_blossom: :cherry_blossom: :cherry_blossom:

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I feel relate to her so much too :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: !!!

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… If you can relate to her you need therapy

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My favourites are:
Hooty, because I think they add some much-needed entertainment to some scenes
Raine, because they are the only non-binary lesbian I’ve ever seen on tv and I love their relationship with Eda
Amity, because I love her personality and how her character develops. Also I adore her and Luz’s relationship.

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