
16 Me gusta

omfg i never noticed that :skull:

5 Me gusta

I didn’t even notice that :joy: :rofl:

6 Me gusta

They have a switch and a ps4 BUT NO PS5?!?!
When can mah boi Hunter get his game back?

4 Me gusta

Looks like Gus finally got a bite of that shiny cookie.

2 Me gusta

tbh i cant blame him cds do look veri tasty Xp

1 me gusta

That is true, that is very true. :+1:t2:

1 me gusta

UMMM Gus is sus. he be eating disks im shocked

1 me gusta

i have never noticed that…is it tasty…?

2 Me gusta

bro has eagle eyes :sob:

1 me gusta

bronca la q se va a ganar gus

1 me gusta

Espero que no se la haya tragado

Ha ha