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I love the second one <33

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millieeee :DDD
Fellow HB fan

I don’t art much but when I do I use a base

these two are WIPs ^^^
why is Luz’s hair so hard to draw
this is also a WIP vvv

6 Me gusta

those are awesooommmmeeee

1 me gusta

Stop. Running
 RESPONSIBILITIES :sob::sob::rofl:

(Not me just cracking up every time I see someone covering some part of the face so they wouldn’t have to draw it-)

But very beautiful tho! <3

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yea I can’t draw faces for shi-
however the first picture is supposed to be weirdcore so I was just like “screw it no face”

The first pic I knew what was going on, but the reeestttt :sob:

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Nuevo ship de OCs? Espero que el mio sea invitado a la boda

Ajsjsjsjs no es mi primo-

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1 me gusta

It looks lovley! 10/10

My art is ugly (since it’s apparently inappropriate)

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Aweh : (
Nuu, but it was amazing :heart::heart:

And now I offer my Animation I made (yes, it’s on scratch I HAVE LIMITED RESOURCES IM ON A SCHOOL THING) AnYwaYs

There ya go

EDIT: Made in 2:00 in the morning idfk what kinda weird stuff went into it

5 Me gusta

The animation is sweet :sob::heart:

i like it i had to use this to some of my project is easy tu use it and good job

Tysm, I was scared to even post it * sob *

My silly lil goofster got improved >:D

4 Me gusta

One MONTH!?!?
That’s amazing :o