The Owl House Once Said

Say a random quote from one of the characters, and who said it.

7 Me gusta

“Us weirdos have to stick together”
I think Eda said it

3 Me gusta

“I don’t speak Palisman”

3 Me gusta

“I’m gonna borrow that book when you’re done with it! wink
Willow, Thanks to Them

3 Me gusta

“Hooty Hoot!”
Hooty xd

4 Me gusta

“For the crime of RoCkEtInG me off my own ship.”

2 Me gusta

"go or i drown the bird "

1 me gusta

“Oh, you just pull that handle above you.”

“I love you, over and out.”
Hunter to Flapjack

3 Me gusta

“Oh, thank you, oh ah wha_?”

Eda and King. (I think)

Golden Guard

2 Me gusta

“She’s coming back, right”

1 me gusta

I don’t remember that one-
“We’re back! And we bought some…cars!”
Hunter, Thanks to Them

2 Me gusta

It’s an episode where Luz goes to Hexside and king says that and Eda’s like “Of course she’s coming back. She always comes back”

1 me gusta

oooooh I remember now!

“Me, on a team with you? Running around in cute outfits? SwEaTiNg?”

4 Me gusta

oh , wow , sports

2 Me gusta


Eda and Hunter

3 Me gusta

"…I GOTTA GO!! runs in lesbian panic "

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