*When You're Too Tired To Post Something Decent.*

I’m not on as often as I’d like to be, I apologize for that especially since I got into an rp with @Huntlow_f0r3v3r and often forget that I was part of it. I can’t be on all the time due to my parents so please don’t @ me too much. I’m trying my best here. I love you all my lovies, but I’m tired rn, so I’d like to sign off for the night, so good morning, day, noon, evening, night to you all wherever you seem to be living~

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Oh my fcking god, I’m so sorry :sob::sob:

1 me gusta

It’s oki, I just can’t respond as much as I used to-

1 me gusta

You answered : D

Btw when you are ready to continue the rp?
(Take rest as long as you want)

1 me gusta

I’m alright, just worried my father will catch me online again.

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