How old you think I am?

  • 11-12
  • 13-14
  • 15-16
  • 18+
0 votantes

Gimme reasons too :,]

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Translate plzz XD

You kinda act like an old-ish teen

1 me gusta

Fuck I used translator, my shitty english doessn’t work- Reason is probably the right word idk-??

Ik wut i meaan, i was jokin my dudde

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I slept 2hrs, you expect me to even walk straight :skull:

Your personality makes you seem like you’re in between the ages of 15 and 18. Are you going to tell us what age you are or we’re you just curious on what age we thought you were?

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noooooo, didnoot

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No I’m not going to tell my age- But I’m curious, how do you see my personality like?

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I see you as a nice, serious, creative, mature person.

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I have 17-18 years old Xp

1 me gusta

because of your tallent, i’d assume 15-16, but I could imagine you as 14…?

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