I have one guestion

Based on my artstyle/artskills, how old y’all think I am?

(Some of my fav artpieces digital+paper)

Edit; I’m about 13-15
(I’m not going to say the accurate age)

3 Me gusta

I thiink…14? 15?

2 Me gusta

In between 12 and 16

in between 14 and 17

between 15-18 I guess

1 me gusta

Definitely have to say between 13 and 16 tbh

1 me gusta

prolly like 12 -15 or sm bc ur like 2095679 times better then my ass

1 me gusta

Que triste ver a amity haser un glifo de luz si Luz

14 maybe 15
(filler filler)

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