Mi hermanito esta viendo amphibia!/my little brother is watching amphibia! (Estoy tan orgullosa/im so proud ;[)

Hola! Mi hermano pequeño esta viendo amphibia la empezo have unas 4 demanas y ya va la temporada 3!! El me pregunto como terminaba y yo le dije que las buenas ganaban y festejo XD/Hello! My little brother is watching amphibia, it started about 4 weeks ago and he is watching season 3 already!! He asked me how it ended and I told him that the good ones won and he celebrate XD

(Posdata:tiene 6 años/PS: He is 6 years old)

(Posdata 2:lo del ingles tal vez este mal por que no se mucho :sweat_smile:/PS 2: maybe the English thing is wrong because I don’t know much :sweat_smile:)

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