Pleassssseeee, talk to meeeee

I kinda wanna talk to someone, don’t know why, so some kind people please appear here :'}

And I’m a bit awkward at starting dialogues :'∆

And how’s everybody? :space_invader:

4 Me gusta

Hello good sir how are you on this fine mornight?

Hello, kind person ^^

I’m pretty fine. Rewatching toh again and looking for some chat

What about you? :}

My besties bday is on June 11 and idk if we’re still pushing thru with it

Oh, that’s kinda soon. Hope you’ll find it out in a short time :•

So uhh u play boblox

Nope, all place on my phone goes fro the Star Rail :'}

Oh ok :')

Answer my question u don’t have to answer that.

Ok :°


I exist now hiiiiiiii

I can talk now if you’re still here

I’m still crying over literally the last 5 seconds of the finale… That was painful bro

Hi, yup, I’m still here ^^

Awww, same, I almost cry every time cuz of it ;{

Every last episodes make me cry with happy and sad tears. They’re so perfect and sad

yeah, ESPECIALLY thanks to them… also i ordered this bag recently

It made me cry so I had to own it

4 Me gusta

I’m going to get that bag when i’m older

1 me gusta

Yeah, Thanks to them was the saddest ;{


It’s so perfect!!! Happy that you ordered it! :}

Where are you now, if I can ask?
I’m now in class, I’m a little bad

IK u weren’t asking me but school ended for me… i gotta go to camp soon though… Also it’s 6 in the morning here

hii i’m good and you?

don’t worry me too, i don’t know how exactly star a conversation xd