RIP Flapjack :(

I had to rewatch the episode to remind myself I cried again why did I do that

i will make a flapjack shrine

Rip Flapjack- He was so cute :sob:


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si es verda no te tocaba pana

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i agree bc in the story page in season three we can see the witch (evelyn) shaking hands with caleb and who is on caleb’s shoulder flapjack.

Rip flapjack we wish you the best

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Traduccion: Aves asesinadas por un malvado hombre de piel blanca

The fact remains that the reason Eda found the portal door behind her house was because she was a descendant of Evelyn who originally owned it. I assume that she owned her house in the past too. That’s also why it goes straight to Gravesfield, since that’s where Evelyn traveled and found Caleb + Philip. After Caleb died, she buried the portal behind the house to hide it from Philip, and that’s why it was hidden behind there. Also, Clawthornes are renowned palisman makers because that’s what Caleb (and maybe evelyn) did. It all circles back to flapjack who was Evelyn’s palisman given to Caleb later on. Belos aka Philip thinks that since flapjack was Evelyn’s palisman and Caleb’s first introduction to the B.I./magical world, he was, like evelyn, the reason that he “lost his brother”. Killing flap in T.T.T. was just one last middle finger to evelyn.

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I miss him so much it hurts

completely shattered :pensive: :fist:

can really agree here craving ma own graveeee

Flapjaaaaack :bird: :bird: :bird: :bird: :bird: :bird: :bird: :bird: :bird: :bird:

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