The Owl House Once Said

Quitting its like trying but easier

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then why were you so easy to curse ?

  • lilith
2 Me gusta

“Damn you pancakes!”

“Out of all the grimmwalkers, you looked just like him.”

“These out burst are painful, but not as painful as seeing you fail.”

“Why Luz? Why do you get to have it all?”


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-luz when her and amity kiss

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‘Listen to me kid. I’m going away now and I don’t think I can bounce back this time. Remember to look after King and feed Hooty. And Luz, thank you for being in my life.’- Edalyn Clawthorne

That scene I literally died thinking she was actually not gonna be in the show anymore

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“Do not underestimate me, Belos. For I am the good witch Luz, child of the human realm, student of the demon realm and warrior of peace… Now eat this suckerr!”


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“You know what I’d like, Belos? I’d like to leave the Emperor’s Coven and never step foot that throne room again. I’d like to study wild magic and learn how to carve palismen. I’d like to attend Hexide as a regular student and play flyer derby with my friends. But most of all, I’d like to make sure you never hurt anyone again!”
-Hunter Deamonne

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“Flapjack, everyone’s on edge and I don’t know what to say. I wish you were here…” :sob:

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porta hooty reporting for hooty

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And Luz but yea Eda said it first

That was when Boshca said ‘How much? I have to own him’ I think that was in Once Upon a Swap

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I think it was I Was A Teenage Abomination

Edit: I’m putting this here bc I can only do three posts in a row. I have to say this quote. Tbh, I’m surprised nobody else said this.


I’ve never actually broken any of your stupid laws…. in front of you.

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“Thanks for what you said back there, you mean a lot to me too”

Willow, for the future