TOH redesignes pt.1 (?) LUZ

So i decided to do TOH characters redesignes and naturally i started with the main character herself Luz Noceda✨.

I may update it tommarow bcs its really late and im tired so my brain doesnt work (i just realised that i have 3h left of sleep. I will be dying tommarow, pray for me guys :smiling_face_with_tear: )

So anyway, here is my version of Luz from the 3rd season:

Should i continue this series? If yes then who would yall want me to do next ? :3

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Goodluck tomorrow! And please do more of these! maybe Willow or Amity next?

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¡Se ven geniales!

Si, siguelas por favor :]

:0, esta re geniales.
Me encanta

La verdad no me gustó mucho el pelo de luz en la 3era temporada pero no me quejo

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