What is your favorite episode?

What is your favorite episode?

4 Me gusta

omg i think it was episode 6 or 7, with the prom dance Amity x Lus :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:
The first sign of love :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

2 Me gusta

either hollow mind, or hunting palismen

1 me gusta

My favorite is Hollow Mind, but the best laid-out episode is Knock, Knock, Knockin’ on Hooty’s Door.

2 Me gusta

Yo iguaaal!!
Hace poco los volví a ver y me sabía todos los diálogos jsjs
A veces me asusto a mi misma por estas cosas

1 me gusta

Son grandes episodios desde la historia hasta la, el desarrollo de personajes y el entretenimiento.

1 me gusta

Lo siento si eso no está traducido bien, utilicé un sitio web idk español :frowning:

1 me gusta

Knock, Knock, Knockin’ The Hooty’s Door.

3 Me gusta

Either Any Sport In Storm or Labyrinth Runners cuz :sparkles:Huntlow!!! :sparkles:

Eclipse Lake and Them’s the Breaks, Kid

2 Me gusta

Understanding Willow because her trauma is literally so overlooked </3

4 Me gusta

YES! Everyone focusing on Hunter’s trauma (Don’t get me wrong he’s my fave), but Willow also has a lot to her past as well!

3 Me gusta

Season 1:
-Enchanted grom fright (Lumity dance)
-Wing it like witches (Cool sports episode)
-Adventure in the elements (idk just cause)

Season 2:
-Escaping expulsion (Amity stand up against her mother)
-Knock Knock knock it on hooty’s door(LUMITY IS OFFICIAL)
-Hunt for the palismen (Hunter and Luz being siblings)
-Any sport in a storm (The start of Huntlow)
-Eda’s requiem(Reida ship and noice music)
-Seperate Tides(Hunter first apperiance)
-Clouds on the horizon(LUMITY KISS)

in s1, enchanting grom fright and in s2, hollow mind!! XD :3333

season 2 episode 15- Them’s the Breaks Kid
by a long shot :smile:

I think mine is Hollow mind or Thanks to them!

1 me gusta

Chapter fifteen of the second season

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Hollow mind, yes…- and- Hunting palismen

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no se como se llama el episodio del grom :pensive: pero ese es mi episodio fav :mending_heart:

1 me gusta

Enchanted Grom Fight si no me equivoco

1 me gusta