What character would you relate to the most?

Willow, Luz, and Hunter

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Vee cuz I’m hiding from my past lmao

Oh wait I posted on this already-

Hunter or Luz, cause I relate to being lied to and being depressed at times/ not fitting in.

Probably Lilith because I regret my past but im trying to be better and a lot of other reasons

I’d relate Most to Luz, Hunter, and WIllow

LUz becuase she always tried to see the “best” in things, or seemed so happy, but was actually hurting/depressed. She never wants to burden anyone with what she’s going through, so she hides it.

Hunter because of the way his “family” treated him, how he barely sleeps, and how he found family in his friends. How isoleted and lonely he was before meeting Luz and the others.

And Willow, who always wants to help and protect others. She stands up for her friends, and would rather she took the risks than them. But, in doing that, she lies about how she feels and ends up caring so little for herself.

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I mostly relate to amity
ive always sort of been overprotective of stupid things
and wanting ot be the best was my main goal in everything
and when I realized I couldn’t acheive that… i started spiraling tbh
derealization became my go to, and i wanted to escape the fate i thought i’d set for myself
and so i went to books( as amity went to azura and stuff
but i came to realize that its okay to lose sometimes and that being the best shouldn’t be the main goal
or the main focus of your life— but to rather care for others and focus on what you want
not what you wish to win
because life is not a game
life has endless possibilities
so you should take advantage of it while you can <3

Hunter bc I’m sarcastic, don’t get enough sleep, wouldn’t be the person I am now if it wasn’t for the people I have met, wasn’t able to be a kid, want to do the right thing, and anxiety.

Young Eda and Luz!!

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Willow and Hunter, I like helping people, say I’m ok/fine (when I’m not), I have scars (mostly on my arms), and I don’t sleep that much

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Vee, I’m running from my past, and I pretend to be someone I’m not.

amity, luz, eda, gus
amity because i always wanted to be perfect because my mom pressured me a bit, and everyone had really high expectations about me and i didnt want to disappoint them, and well, it became so much pressure i couldn’t take it anymore.
then luz because since i was little people told me i was weird because i didnt do things that other kids my age did, i felt (and still feel) misunderstood.
then eda, because i act like i enjoy being alone but it hurts me inside, and i feel like im a burden to my loved ones and theyd be better without me.
and gus because i had always been the “smartest” in class and the friends i had just used me to get good grades

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Hunter and Willow

  • Yeah I cant sleep
  • Scars literally everywhere on my body (I’m not even joking but they are hidden under my clothes)
  • I feel like i’m the one reliable friend who cant share my feelings
  • The therapist of the group (Pretty sure i’m the one who needs it the most)
  • People lie to me
  • Really forgetful “Like today! I forgot to chain up my homework!” (- Willow)
  • Scared of disappointing family and friends
  • Saw some pretty scarring stuff even I don’t want to talk about/I keep on thinking about it
  • HHH why cant I tell this one kid I have a crush on that I like him-
    and other stuff
    (Whoopsie a vent sorta)
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Luz cause I had a dream to join the u.s marines and got disqualified for ADHD and kept trying to the point I was leading workout and got disqualified again watching my friend leave and do the thing I can made me feel useless.

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oh that sucks my friend

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I dont remember if I posted here but if not
Willow because I try to help people without putting myself first, one time I got 400 dollars for my birthday FOR ME but I spend it all buying gifts for my family… and I bottle my feelings up.

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I understand you…

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I relate most to luz cuz I talk/act kinda weird AND I’m excitable!

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Willow, IRL Im the person who everyone tells their emotional baggage and problems and I try to help everyone and make them happy but Im breaking and hurting myself on the inside. Raine, because i LOVE music and i try to stand up for whats right. :slight_smile:

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Amity too I guess but im the one pressuring me to be perfect. I mean my freinds say im smart and stuff but im like, “Am I really? Or am i just not doing good enough. Yeah, I need to be better.”

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