Vent talk for everyone who needs someone

yes, i know… its hard.

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Yeah…I hope you overcome this situation

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Nahh izz good,don’t listen to them!
No matta’ what you are yourself and yourself only.
Don’t let the societal norms control you.

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You have sleep deprivation

i am in no set of mind because the girl she has a crush on is a total jerk and when i try to talk to her she either ignores me or hates talking to me… the girl she likes is also mean to her aswell and annoys her so much!! And the saddest part is she said that her crush was so nice once,but im to scared to ask because her crush doesn’t wanna talk to me or be around me. Like an unhealthy addiction.

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I have insomnia :"v.

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What about taking meds?

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I used to have that sleep deprivation. But not anymore I have another sleep problem now…I see hypnagogic hallucinations at night (and sometimes I hear and smell and feel things that aren’t there)And by the time I got to bed it’s like 1 AM. I remember I was 6 I had a doctor’s appointment and I had to wake up at 6 or 5 in the morning and I couldn’t go to bed… and I only went to bed 4:45…
And the night light in my room and I look away I see the silhouette of the light and it’s changing colors and it’s flickering and following everywhere I look…

But hey I think you’re condition is actually worse… because you can barley sleep… I can but I just choose not to due to fear…

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I hope you get better and get happy :slightly_smiling_face:
I wish the best for you :+1::+1:

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When I was younger (and i still have this problem) I used to have flashbacks of my chronic trauma. I’ve had only a few good and the rest are all negative. I’ve had way too much trauma in my life and I’m only 14. Sometimes it’s this one situation I was in when I was really young, like 5 or 6 and I fell into my pool and I just felt like a rock just really heavy and I couldn’t breathe. I really don’t talk about these flashbacks but other times it’s just from when my parents abused me when I was little and they still kinda do. I have marks on my face and arms and a couple on legs from when they used to beat me because they were drunk or high. Mostly my dad cause the scars on my face but it’s just really hard for me to keep all of it in. I know nothing can be done to fix what’s already happened but I just don’t trust them anymore and I stay away from them as much as possible. And don’t sleep too well because i’m afraid that i’m just not safe. That’s why I keep my dog in my room, because I feel like he protects me.

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Ah I feel sorry for you your situation seems worse than mine actually because it’s actually real.
I feel sorry for you… I really hope you’re problems get better… Because it actually sounds pretty sad… :sob::disappointed_relieved::cry::cry:

So I also see spots or lights on the wall.
It is something that does not happen to me often but sometimes

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Do do you see like shadows and when you look at the light it like shows the shape of the light and when you look away you see the shape and it changes color and it flickers and follows the direction you look at… And do you see eye floaters too?? And does it go away when you rub em somtimes… or after a few seconds like blinking or something. Or sometimes? I see those. Sometimes.

Yes, that happens to me too, I don’t know if it’s common but my friends say it happens to them too

I forgot what it’s called I think it’s called eye stain or eye shadow… wait no… not eye shadow that’s makeup…

Filler Filler Filler

just over it. I just want it to other yk. I’m done with this. oh wow i need to be quiet

I have a crush on this girl I love her so much but I don’t think she likes me back so I’m gonna change myself for her. (I’m lesbian)

I’m so sorry this all happened. I my suggestion is cutting all ties with them. If you every need some to vent to i’m here also my discord is rez#4229 if you wanna talk there<3

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Ok! I hope you feel better soon!

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